“Hacking the Software of Life”

Civil Defense Perspectives vol. 36 #3

The novel genetically engineered biologic agents called COVID-19 “vaccines” are not really new or untested, the manufacturers say. The technology has been researched for more than 20 years. Of course, protection against the SARS-CoV-2 virus could not have been studied if the virus didn’t yet exist or was unknown. But the genomics and bioengineering that have allowed their “warp speed” development are far advanced and go far beyond protection against emerging viral diseases.

While we are assured that the mRNA products do not affect the human genome, ModeRNA’s chief medical officer, Tal Zaks, stated in a TED talk that “we are actually hacking the software of life” (https://tinyurl.com/42wzfjss). ModeRNA describes our genes and their transcription into proteins as “our operating system” and its vaccine as a “computer operating system.”

Genetic engineering, along with robotics, molecular nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence, is seen as a tool for transforming humanity into a post-human species.

“The Covid-19 pandemic is providing gene-based vaccines a chance to break through into the global health market,” writes foreign policy analyst Christina Lin in The Times of Israel (tinyurl.com/cnfjmzr4). “Instead of injecting a piece of virus into a person to stimulate the immune system, the synthesized genes would be shot into the body whereby the genes are edited, deleted, added, to re-engineer human DNA to resist the disease [emphasis added].”

Bill Gates says that mRNA products turn your body into a vaccine factory that makes the antigen—viral spike protein, and your immune system learns to make antibodies (CDP September 2020;35(5)). Then “the cell breaks down the instructions and gets rid of them,” states the CDC (https://tinyurl.com/3c8jxm6r).

How Is the Body Controlled?

Gates also alluded to building the computer system (https://tinyurl.com/y3nb4y8k)—which requires hardware. Software is information, which sets electronic switches to “off” or “on” to perform the function programmed by the operator. This requires conductors, connectors, and electrical current. What is the equivalent biological hardware?

We do not understand the function of most of the human genome, or of the mechanisms that turn the expression of various genes “on” or “off.” Nor do we know how specific behavior is activated in spontaneously acting organisms, nor how the cells in the entire body are coordinated to support a function.

We are familiar with chemical messengers called hormones, with electrical impulses carried by nerves, and with chemical neurotransmitters at synapses. But there are other signaling methods, including light, and intense research on how to use them.

From a 2019 review of “Light-mediated control of Gene expression in mammalian cells” (tinyurl.com/2jy6zhrb), we learn the following: “Taking advantage of the recent development of genetically-defined photo-activatable actuator molecules, cellular functions, including gene expression, can be controlled by exposure to light.” Authors state the need for “tools to manipulate gene expression at fine spatial and temporal resolution.” They also discuss artificial light control of cellular function using genetically encoded light-sensitive actuator molecules and a light-sensitive ion channel, Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2). The “gene encoding ChR2 can be delivered or expressed in defined sets of neurons by virus vectors or transgenic strategies.” This can be used for “inducing temporally-precise activation/inhibition of targeted neurons.” Authors anticipate that gene expression systems “will be applied to broad fields of neuroscience to understand various brain functions…, including learning and memory.”

Optogenetic signaling has been used to change memory engrams in mice and reverse the fear/reward conditioned responses associated with them (https://tinyurl.com/8e6jd7ew). It is possible to implant false memories and generate a behavioral fear response (Science 7/26/13).

The specific type of gene expression control system also regulates the degradation rate of mRNA.

How does one deliver light to the tissues? In vivo experiments have implanted optical fibers, but these tether animals to limited places and restrict their behaviors. Small implantable light-emitting diodes (LED) have been used in cable-free optogenetic experimental setups (ibid.). Light-emitting proteins (luciferases) in the body are other possibilities. SM-102, listed as an ingredient in ModeRNA “vaccine” is an amino lipid nanoparticle commonly used to transfer luciferase mRNA, which circulates through the whole body for bioluminescent expression. Note that lipid nanoparticles penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

Synthetic, light-receptive molecules—or photoswitches—can be used to tap into native signaling, as at GABA, glutamate, and acetylcholine receptors, according to a 2017 review from the University of California at Berkeley (tinyurl.com/9c33r4a6).

Have you never heard of optogenetics—“biological technique that involves the use of light to control neurons that have been genetically modified to express light-sensitive ion channels”? Type it into Google and get 3.8 million hits.

Other signaling methods are also advanced. Charles Lieber of Harvard figured out how to get virus-size transistors into cells by coating them with a lipid layer (tinyurl.com/3yru4z6e).

In 2017, it was suggested that magnetogenetics could become the new optogenetics (https://tinyurl.com/sy72vhyr), activating neurons deep in the brain, as magnetic fields pass through organic tissues. Polyethyleneglycol-coated synthetic magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4) delivered to the brain in mice produced neuron activation with a radiofrequency stimulus. It may be  possible to co-opt ferritins from species, such as chitons, known to generate magnetite.

Sonogenetics uses ultrasound to control cells that have been genetically modified with ultrasound-sensitive ion channels, to investigate intact brain circuits, and to modulate mammalian brain activity (https://tinyurl.com/saups8s7). 

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) aims to “identify the conductor of [the] brain’s neural orchestra and begin to decode the score” (tinyurl.com/p2vz5r9t). It also wants to “jolt the nervous system with electricity, lasers, sound waves, and magnets” (tinyurl.com/3k69rz59). Just to control prostheses and  cure disease? Or to replace the conductor?

Does this give a new meaning to the Gates population control agenda? Do these “vaccines” install hardware and software?

Genetic Scissors and Gene Drive

Genetic editing involves inducing double-stranded breaks in DNA and replacing the excised portion with a desired sequence. A gene drive can change inheritance patterns so that all offspring get the altered gene that previously might have been inherited as an autosomal recessive. The stated purpose is to control invasive species or eradicate disease vectors such as mosquitoes. One danger is escape to non-targeted populations. Progress has been greatly accelerated through CRISPR/Cas9 technology.

CRISPR is an acronym for “Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats.” Cas9 is a special CRISPR-associated nuclease (Cas9) that chops off a piece of DNA. The nuclease is directed to its target sequence by a short RNA fragment known as a guide RNA (gRNA). Once scientists learned how the CRISPR system worked in bacteria infected by viruses, they figured out how to reprogram it to allow efficient editing in any species (https://tinyurl.com/6t9rtc34). 

Could this be used for “customizing the human race”? In December 2015, an international group of scientists called for a moratorium on making inheritable changes to the human genome (https://tinyurl.com/ytrda3mv). However, in February 2016, British regulators approved a gene-editing experiment on human embryos (https://tinyurl.com/2nadndk2). The 2020 Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier, now at the Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens in Berlin, and Jennifer Doudna, at UC Berkeley, for developing the CRISPR–Cas9 gene-editing tools that researchers hope to use to alter human genes to eliminate diseases (tinyurl.com/ysrc49up).

In Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, the technique is being used to develop novel population control strategies. Mosquitoes harboring the transgenes were readily identified by red fluorescent expression in their abdomen (https://tinyurl.com/tf56uyxz).

In 2011, two London geneticists got an inserted gene to reach 85% of  a mosquito population. But “hijacking evolution” raises key questions. “Gene drives have the potential to alter…entire ecosystems” (Science 7/11/19).

In May 2021, genetically engineered mosquitoes have been released in Florida (https://tinyurl.com/342f79z6).


 The delivery of nucleic acids into cells is called transfection. The programmable guide RNA (gRNA) and Cas9 can be introduced as either DNA, RNA, or pre-complexed RNA and protein called ribonucleoproteins (RNPs). It can be accomplished by physical, chemical, or viral-mediated methods.

“Because the genes are integrated into the cellular genome, they will be passed down to future generations of cells after cell division. The expression of Cas9 and/or guide RNA genes can be either inducible (e.g., by a trigger, such as a drug) or constitutive (occurring at all times)” (https://tinyurl.com/h98nrx7u).

A two-stage process might be used. An inactive fragment might be delivered in an injection. A second fragment transfected by a virus might then combine with it and perform a gene incision when activated by light.

Adenovirus is the most common vector, used by J&J and AstraZeneca. Polyethyleneglycol (PEG) attached to lipid nanoparticles [used by Pfizer and ModeRNA] protects the RNA against degradation and can facilitate nuclear entry (https://tinyurl.com/2y9vudvb).


·  Charles Lieber (see p 1) was indicted in 2020 (https://tinyurl.com/29vbbnf3) for failing to disclose payments from the Chinese Communist Party to build a nanotechnology laboratory in Wuhan. Trial is pending (https://tinyurl.com/8f9wy95m).

·  Robert Langer of MIT, co-founder of ModeRNA whose holdings in the company now top $1 billion, (tinyurl.com/6vh74wt6) worked with Lieber on a number of  patents.

·  Funding sources for the COVID “vaccine”- related technology and genetic engineering include DARPA, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the late Jeffrey Epstein.

·  Boris Nikolic, named by Epstein as backup executor, who tried to set up a biotech investment fund with Gates, Epstein, and JPMorgan (https://tinyurl.com/b2h2b96v), now works with Langer to build a medical record embedding vaccination information in the skin.

·  China reportedly has the world’s largest database of genetic material—80 million profiles (https://tinyurl.com/539cfxvf). It is collecting more, with coronavirus test kits supplied by a firm financed by Bill Gates (https://tinyurl.com/n7t8z6hb).


A search on “#MagnetChallenge” turns up sites debunking the viral videos showing magnets sticking to COVID jab sites.  Fact-checkers assure us that the jabs do not contain metals, chips are not magnetic, and it’s a conspiracy theory to discourage vaccination. But did magnets really stick to some 40% of vaccinees in Laguna Beach (tinyurl.com/cf9uahyw)? Are all these people lying (tinyurl.com/cfeuw25v)? Check the fact-checkers yourself. If true, the phenomenon demands an explanation.

The Funvax Proposal

In 2004,  geneticist Gene Hamer wrote The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired into our Genes. In 2005, Bill Gates presented his Funvax proposal to the Pentagon (tinyurl.com/2t3hjw2r). He stated that religious fundamentalism was correlated with expressions of the VMAT2 gene and suggested that vaccinating against that gene, as with a respiratory virus, could prevent terrorism.

“Eliminate the Soul with Medicine”

“In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit.

“To materialistic doctors, will be entrusted with the task of removing the soul of humanity. As today, people are vaccinated against this disease or disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the ‘madness’ of spiritual life. He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.”

Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), tinyurl.com/z9hjft9d

[An Austrian philosopher, spiritualist, and literary critic, Steiner founded the Waldorf School movement.]

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