Test, Jab, Boost, Repeat

Civil Defense Perspectives- January 2022 (vol. 37 #1)

Winning office partly because of the promise to control the COVID-19 pandemic, Joe Biden unveiled his “new” initiatives on Dec 21, 2021 (tinyurl.com/4furne33). These include 500 million free rapid tests, support for overstressed hospitals, and more pressure to vaccinate and boost. Biden said it was a “patriotic duty” to get vaccinated, and warned of a winter of “severe illness and death” for the unvaccinated.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, we would need 2.3 billion tests per month to test every person over age 12 twice per week. Biden promised an additional 1,000 troops to hospitals—Mayo alone just fired 700 unvaccinated workers. How many boosters? A second one is already being discussed.

Though Biden promised there would not be a mass federal lockdown of schools and businesses, there’s a storm of masking and distancing requirements, de-facto vaccination passports, and termination of noncompliant workers, implemented by states, local jurisdictions, universities, and businesses. Biden is not backing down on federal vaccination mandates.

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